General Community Resources, Financial, & Housing Assistance
Calling 2-1-1 is a free, confidential service that connects people to local health and human services. It's available 24/7.
211 Can help with:
Childcare resources & assistance programs
Special needs & disability support
Advocacy and Case Management
Housing: Assistance with rent, utilities, and stable housing
Food: Access to food banks and other food programs
Health: Access to health insurance, Low-cost or sliding-scale medical clinics, Community health centers, medical information lines, Addiction treatment programs, and crisis intervention services
Work: Assistance with financial aid, job training, and transportation
Mental health: Access to counseling, support groups, and drug and alcohol intervention
Disaster response: Information and assistance during declared emergencies
Crisis intervention: Support for people experiencing mental health concerns or domestic violence
Veteran services: Assistance for veterans
Financial literacy: Coaching and assistance with financial literacy